Bas Graduates2014 Rot2
Bachelor of Arts in American Studies
Studium und Lehre | Zulassung | Studieren im Ausland

Dr. Wilfried Mausbach

Monday, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.


Für alle BA-Studierenden, die zurzeit administrative Probleme haben–sei es mit der Seminaranmeldung, der Verbuchung von Studienleistungen oder dem Erstellen eines Semesterplans–wird am Dienstag, den 24. September, von 13:00-14:00 Uhr eine Hilfssprechstunde im Raum 207 im zweiten Stock des HCA stattfinden.

Vorlesungsverzeichnis Wintersemester 2024/25 (Stand 07.10.2024)


Modulhandbuch neu
(für Einschreibungen ab WS 23/24)

Modulhandbuch alt
(für Einschreibungen ab WS 18/19)


Honor Pledge Form

Vorlesungsverzeichnisse aus früheren Semestern

American Studies

American Studies

Der Fachrat ist die fachbezogene Zusammenkunft von Studierenden, akademischen Mitarbeitern und Hochschulprofessoren eines Instituts der Universität.

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B.A. in American Studies (BAS)

The Bachelor of Arts in American Studies at Heidelberg University is unique in its broad range of subjects.

The program is offered by the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) in cooperation with the English Department, Department of Geography, History Department, Institute for Political Science (IPW), the Law Faculty, and the Faculty of Theology (Wissenschaftlich-Theologische Seminar, WTS) and Research Center for International and Interdisciplinary Theology (FIIT).

The option to focus in geography or religious studies, as well as to obtain an additional legal certification, makes this program unique beyond Germany and Europe:

  • The American Studies program is an exciting multi- and interdisciplinary program uniquely capable of doing justice to a complex research subject, the USA. Students receive a thorough education in literature, cultural studies, history, politics, theology, geography and law.
  • The B.A. in American Studies supports a small group of high-performance, highly motivated students. The program places a strong emphasis on intense one-to-one assistance/mentoring as well as on student responsibility within a research-oriented teaching program.
  • The BAS is a 100% program lasting six semesters. Because the program begins each winter semester, admission during the summer semester is not possible.

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Latest Revision: 2024-02-23
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