Curt und Heidemarie
Engelhorn Palais

Hauptstraße 120
D-69117 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 / 54 3710
Fax: +49 6221 / 54 3719


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:

  • Mo.-Do., 9-17 Uhr
  • Fr., 9-15 Uhr
Founded by and for
the graduate students of the HCA

HCA Graduate Blog

The HCA Graduate Blog was founded in 2018 by and for the graduate students of the HCA. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary research at the center, offers a glimpse into the work of its graduate students, and hopes to ignite discussion and academic debate among researchers across disciplinary boundaries.

Research at the HCA is as interdisciplinary and vibrant as it gets!

HCA: Email
Latest Revision: 2023-04-29
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