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Prof. Dr. Welf Werner | Director / Professor of American Studies | 06221/54-3880 | |
Dr. Wilfried Mausbach | Executive Director | 06221/54-3712 |
Faculty and Staff
Prof. Dr. Manfred Berg | Deputy Director / Curt Engelhorn Professor of American History |
06221/54-2276 | |
Dr. Florian Böller | Senior Lecturer Political Science | 06221/54-3877 | |
Eléna Brandao Mecker | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3884 | |
Lena Brasen | Website Administration | 06221/54-3884 | |
Teddy Delwiche | Research Associate / McDonald Post-Doctoral Fellow in American Church History | 06221/54-3881 | |
Jonas Faust, M.A. | Research Associate | 06221/54-3884 | |
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gerhard | Deputy Director / Professor for Human Geography of North America | 06221/54-5542 | |
Jakob Handwerk | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3884 | |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Detlef Junker | Founding Director / Distinguished Senior Professor | 06221/54-3711 | |
Theresa Klecker | Administration | 06221/54-3710 | |
Christina Larenz | Administration | 06221/54-3710 | |
Prof. Dr. Günter Leypoldt | Professor of American Literature | 06221/54-2816 | |
PD Dr. Philipp Löffler | Senior Lecturer American Literature / MAS Coordinator |
06221/54-3713 | |
Sina Lohmeier | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3884 | |
Luisa Mayerle | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3884 | |
Dr. Everett Messamore | Postdoctoral Researcher | 06221/54-3882 | |
Michaela Neidig | Administration | 06221/54-3710 | |
Dr. Benjamin Pietrenka | Research Associate | 06221/54-3399 | |
Dr. Natalie Rauscher | Research Associate | 06221/54-3878 | |
Susana Rocha Teixeira | Research Associate | 06221/54-3878 | |
Dr. Anja Schüler | Coordinator Forum / Public Relations | 06221/54-3879 | |
Prof. Dr. Jan Stievermann | Professor of the History of Christianity in the U.S. |
06221/54-3881 | |
PD Dr. Martin Thunert | Senior Lecturer Political Science | 06221/54-3877 | |
Dr. Ryan Tobler | Research Associate / American Religious History | 06221/54-3399 | |
Dipl.-Soz. Michael Tröger | IT | 06221/54-3882 | |
Caroline Walter | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3882 | |
Maxine Wildenstein | Student Assistant | 06221/54-3711 | |
Virginia Zentgraf, B.A. | Spring Academy | 06221/54-3875 |
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